Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I feel like I've been away for so long....

But that's because I have! I currently have a mustache drawn on my finger because I am a BAMF. I just drew one on the Asian's finger so she's a BAMF, too. Little D is sitting in front of me playing Happy Wheels and I am cracking up every time he dies. It used to bother him that I watched over his shoulder but now I don't think he minds. My mustache makes me feel incredible. Just thought I should let you guys know that. Class is very close to being over but I still have a few pictures to show off!!

Well until the next time I feel there is something worthy of posting.... GOODBYE MY LOVES!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sup Derpers?

Hello lovies!! Once again I'm sitting in this hell-hole of a pre-cal class having a terrible time. I havent posted in a while because my teacher is cracking down on people with their laptops while she's teaching. I sit in the back so she hasn't noticed yet thankfully. I'm sure she will eventually. I don't really have much else to say soooooo... PICTURE TIME

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Well hello there derps and derpalinas!! Today I had to take the ACT. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be....... hell. It sucked like hell. It was long as hell. It was cold as hell. It was boring as hell. Pretty much everything that you can add "as hell" onto the end of. It succcckkkkkkkeeeeddddd. I got rushed out of the bathroom like they thought I was doing drugs or something. I had to miss all of my classes that I'm concerned about my grade in. Thank GOD I didn't have to miss my vocals class with the most amazing teacher in the world. That made me happy. Anyway, I find it ridiculous that all of the juniors in this great state of Cackalacky have to take this ACT thing. We all had to be bored out of our minds for like five hours straight while the rest of the grades could just derp around as much as they wanted. NO ME GUSTA. Well, I've had a long day. I'm very tired. I need to get off the computer. I probably wont. But I need to. Goodnight guys!!

The Cacchinator

Monday, March 5, 2012

UGH... Mondays.

Wellll guys. I hate mondays. I'm sitting in Pre-Cal next to He-Who-Lives-In-The-Library not paying a bit of attention. The teacher hasn't even noticed yet. WOW. Anywhooser, there's a lacrosse game today. I'm pretty excited because I went to every home game but about 2 last year. It's gonna be pretty fantastic. Cwitoburger is missing today so I don't have anyone to make fun of the teacher with. I'm really tired because I watched The Walking Dead last night and sat up for about an hour wrapped up in my blankets praying that the zombies weren't going to come eat me in my sleep. I SURVIVED!! Ya know why? I know why. It's because

Friday, March 2, 2012

It's FRIDAY!!!!

For those of you who know that GODAWFUL song. You suck and I pity you. But TGIF. Anyway, on to the derpiness. SM was texting me yesterday and asked me when I had to pick up something. I told her that I had to pick it up tomorrow (which would be today) and she texted me back saying "As in today?" and then in another text "or monday?" I found this absolutely ridiculous and it baffled me that it didn't make sense to her that I meant tomorrow. It made me want to defenestrate her. Or drub. Drub's good, too. It wouldn't be the first time, though. But, I digress. My response was "As in tomorrow..." I had to try VERY hard not to be condescending. VERY HARD. Most people don't know that neither I nor my friends are very fond of SM. Both Hurricane and Mojo hate her guts and try everything they can to piss her off. I think it's fantastic.

Defenestrate (v)- To throw someone out a window.
Drub (v)- to beat someone severely with a stick.

Have a fantasmablastic weekend everybody!!

If you have any derpy stories that you'd like me to post just let me know.

Until the next derposity throws itsself into my path, farewell.

The Cacchinator

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Well now...

So I am new to this whole blogging thing but I LIKE IT. My bestest friends in the whole wide world introduced me to this business and I find it rather entertaining! I shall try to keep you up to date on the derpy things that happen throughout the day. 

Farewell my friends! Derp hard.


P.S. Oh by the way...

Cacchinate(v)- to laugh very loudly